I agree with SYN and Ashi. JWs as a whole are KNOWN as good people but when you break it down on an individual basis the stats can be VERY different.
Fire Dragon
JoinedPosts by Fire Dragon
Witnesses Are Great Folks
by FrankRaven ini know i'll get a lot of flack from this,but witnesses are good folks.and your average witness is concerned about you,non-witness.i've been there and i almost became one.my ex did become one.
it's not what they are taught by the watchtower,it's how one is taught.if one was what a witness was taught there wouldn't be any witnesses.it's how one is taught.most of the witnesses always told me,if you have any questions there's a book by the society that will answer your question.
(s)the watchtower is persistent.well so was i.the more books i read that the watchtower wrote,the more questions i had.and i,always,made sure i stayed on the topic.they never did.they always avoided my questions.and they are real good at that.
Using labels to avoid the issue
by Simon inwe all know how the wts works and how they have built up a clever lebelling system which they can use to prevent having to address the real issues.
one word and someone's arguments vanish into dust and all credibility is shot:.
Fire Dragon
Thank you for being fair, Simon.
Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door
by comforter injehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
Fire Dragon
We don't need to go door to door....you should know that no one wants to be a JW anyway! Duh!
Besides, I've found it more fun to do "street work". I just toss mags in the garbage at the laundry mats and such whenever I see them.
Candles and JWs
by badboy ini wonder how many jws r aware that candles have pagan origins as admitted by bishop newman(sp?
) in the 19th century?
should a faithfull jw have anything to do with candles therefore?
Fire Dragon
JWs don't use candles in ceremonies like weddings. They know they have pagan origins for warding off evil spirits. I know a sister who had candles at her wedding and before the elder that was giving the talk started, he took all of the candles away. He didn't even give her an explanation.
I don't think that candles in general bother dubs...only the way they can be used.
JWs at My Door today!
by Amazing inwell, well , well ... guess what ... jws were at my door.
we talked for over an hour.
it has been about two years since i talked with a live jws as they did their door-to-door work ... yes, nbc dateline came up near the end of the conversation ... i could not let them get away without injecting that topic ... and when they gave the opening, i rammed it in .... first, has something happened to jws these day?
Fire Dragon
Amazing, you are AMAZING!!!
You have inspired me to make arguments such as this the next time JWs come to my door.
Quote: "Then the entire scheme to booby-trap Adam and Eve to pass along sin and death seems like a cruel joke so as to then propose a Government to solve the problems problems we would not have if God had simply designed each human to stand alone in the first place with respect to sin freewill and if humans cannot make such choices, as she said because only God has the right then the whole choice in the Garden of Eden was not a choice but merely a contest between God and Satan and we are the unwitting pawns"
I totally agree with this! I raised this argument with my mother shortly before I was DFd. I said, "If the Bible says that God never tests us - that only Satan does, then explain why God put the Tree in the Garden of Eden to begin with?" She didn't have an answer for me...she was completely without words. So I said, "I'll give YOU the answer - It was a test. A cruel joke between Jah and Satan...they were in on it together!" She looked at me so shocked and said, "Oh, you have the answer for everything don't you? You think you have it all figured out." I told her that I evidently did because she certainly didn't offer an explanation.
Four days after this conversation was the biggest, most explosive arguement I have EVER had with my mother. It was also our last.
I even asked the elders during my judicial meeting and they said that they couldn't answer any Bible questions or study with me. I was told that I'd have to come to the meetings regularly to get my questions answered. I guess that in the previous seven years of my life as a very active JW they had never covered that subject in the KH - what a waste! I told the elders (and my father), "Why would I want to come back to a religion that I think is wrong and where no one will answer my questions so I'll want to come back?"
I look forward to the next visit with the JWs....I plan to tell them that I'm skeptical of religion b/c of having just escaped a cult....and I'll carry on the conversation with them proving all the bad experiences I've had...just before they leave I'll tell them the name of the cult. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I tell them it was Jehovah's Witnesses!
what's the silliest....
by dustrabbit inwhat's the silliest thing you ever heard a jw say?.
(besides, the possible, "anything they say is silly.
my personal favorite: an elder once said to me at a circuit assembly back in the eighties (and why i don't remember...maybe i was smirking): "you think the devil is weak?
Fire Dragon
I was at a door one day with a brother who was, shall we say 5 cans short of a six pack, when the householder asked him if he thought he was a good JW. The brother promptly and without shame answered, "I'm the best Jehovah's Witness in the religion."
Nuff Sed!
Wakeup Call for Sister-in-law
by Carmel inlast evening my cell phone rang and it was a sister-in-law of mine who had left her jw husband (one of my older brothers) because he was molesting their daughters and the elders blamed her for not being an adequate wife.
she left and was df'd for it.
anyway, we have had correspondence for the past four or five years but never did we talk about the "private" matters.
Fire Dragon
I think that is Awesome! Be sure to tell her congrats that she can move on now.
The innocent face of the WTS has been lifted...the makeup has been removed for all the world to see the ZITS!!!"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire. -
Who was right? Satan or Jehovah?
by professor insatan is called the "father of the lie" because he told the very first lie to eve.. in the beginning, god told adam to go nuts and eat all the fruit except the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.
he said "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.
so then fast forward, eve was created and she's hanging out by the tree, talking to the serpent (satan) and satan says: "you will not die.
Fire Dragon
Hey Puffs,
I believe that most Christians consider her a myth. However, here are some good websites to try out:
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire. -
Who was right? Satan or Jehovah?
by professor insatan is called the "father of the lie" because he told the very first lie to eve.. in the beginning, god told adam to go nuts and eat all the fruit except the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.
he said "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.
so then fast forward, eve was created and she's hanging out by the tree, talking to the serpent (satan) and satan says: "you will not die.
Fire Dragon
Interesting thought, Jim. It could have been another person. Say for instance Lilith - Adam's first wife.
"...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire. -
Gods has a body ???WT says so
by mouthy inmay 15th watchtower 2002-i see where they say god has a body!!!!
as well as a spirit-didnt i learn as a jw he was only spirit no body-.
i guess the "body snatchers" must have returned the body--or do we have new light here??
Fire Dragon
Please quote the part of the mag you are talking about. Inquiring minds want to know."...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
I'll be the one providing the fire.